Tips about InitialView (初鉴)面试
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Questions Please Contact:
[email protected] +86 10 8286-3889(可中文联络)
初鉴面试和Vericant维立克以及CIEE一样都属于第三方面试机构,可以为美国和英国的大学提供面试服务,也可以提供工作面试。面试方需要缴纳面试费220刀(interview+writing sample)或者150刀(interview only),并提前预约好面试时间。面试前一两天会收到确认邮件,也叫作ticket(门票),需将这封邮件打印出来,面试的时候出示给面试官。
面试所需材料包括:ticket, 身份证或者护照原件,写作纸打印(如需现场写作)
面试方式: online和in-person两种。online,采用Skype面试,学生需提前将Skype账户告知InitialView面试机构,等待面试。In-person,这种面试主要针对国内读书的学生,可以到机构办公室进行现场面试,可预约现场面试的城市共有13个,包括:北京,成都,重庆,广州,昆明,南京,宁波,上海,沈阳,深圳,苏州,武汉,郑州。
Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject in high school? Why? Or what courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?
Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?
Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?
Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?
What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?
What person has most influenced you in your life?
What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?
Do you have any hobbies or special interests?
How would you describe your hometown?
What do you like to do in your free/spare time?
What is your future career goal?
Why do you want to study in USA?
Tell me something more about your parents, your life, your school.
How long have you study English?
Have you read any English novels?
Have you learned any courses in English?
Who will be your guardian in USA?
What sports do you play or like?
What makes you unique? /What will you bring to the school community?
Do you want to share with us what else I did not mention just now ?